Minggu, 02 November 2014

Aku Pergi.

Setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. Cepat atau lambat.
Pepatah ini akan terjadi pada siapapun. Termasuk aku. 
Ya. Tentu ada air mata. 
Tentu saja ada semilir duka. 
Tapi aku percaya,
semua ini akan terlewati. 
Dan kembali baik - baik saja. 
Aku juga manusia biasa. 
Punya rasa rindu yang menggebu. 
Aku rindu menjadi diriku sendiri. 
Aku yang utuh.
Aku yang kukenali.
Aku yang kuinginkan.
Memang semua tak lagi sama. 
Tapi, percayalah ini yang terbaik.
Jangan ada benci apalagi caci.
Kita telah dewasa. 
Bukankah dewasa berarti siap melepaskan dan juga merelakan?
Kita masih bisa bertemu. 
Dalam nyata atau dalam doa. 
Kita masih bisa saling membahagiakan. Dalam peluk. 
Dalam tawa.
Semanis dulu.
Ini bukan kepergian.
Kita hanya sama - sama ingin meraih tujuan.
Tolong, jangan anggap ini perpisahan.
Hanya raga kita yang terpisah.
Tapi hati ini masih saling bertautan.
Tapi ijinkan aku menyelamatkan hati.
Agar perbedaan ini tak menjadi bumerang,
untuk saling menyakiti.
Aku pergi. 
Karena aku ingin menjadi yang kuingini. 
Aku pergi.
Karena aku mencari yang terbaik.


Minggu, 15 September 2013


Biarkan tetap gelap ..
Aku belum mau kehilangannya.
Biarkan tetap gelap ..
Supaya bisa kudekap erat tubuhnya,
Sambil kunikmati wajah yang tenang terlelap.
Jangan dulu terbit matahari ..
Aku belum mau ditinggal pergi.
Jangan dulu terbit matahari ..
Supaya bisa kukecup keningnya lalu hadir di hatinya ..
Walau hanya sebatas mimpi.

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

You'll never see me FALL.

You may see me struggle but you won't see me fall. Regardless if I'm weak or not, I'm going to stand tall. Everyone says life is easy but truly living it is not. Times get hard, people struggle and constantly get put on the spot. I'm going to wear the biggest smile even though I want to cry. I'm going to fight to live, even though I'm destined to die. And even though it's hard and I may struggle through it all. 

You see me struggle but you will NEVER see me fall.


"My beliefs in life, because not everyone realizes just how precious it really is." -ME

Life is crazy, and totally unpredictable. It's going to push you over, kick you while you're down and hit you when you try to get back up. Not everything can beat you.

Things are going to change you, But you get to choose which ones you let change you. Listen to your heart, Follow your dreams, And let no one tell you what you're capable of.

Push the limits, Bend the rules, And enjoy every minute of it. Laugh at everything, Live for as long as you can. Love all, But trust none. Only with God we trust. Believe in Him, And never lose faith in Him.

Settle for nothing but only the best,
And give 110% in everything you do.
Take risks. 
Live on the edge.
Yet stay safe.
And cherish every moment of it.

Life is a gift, appreciate all the rewards, and jump on every opportunity. Not everyone's going to love you, But who needs them anyways. Challenge everything, And fight for what you believe. Back down to nothing, But give in to the little things in life. After all, that is what makes you.

Forget the unnecessary, but remember everything. Bring it with you everywhere you go. Learn something new, and appreciate criticism. Hate nothing, but dislike what you want. Never forget where you came from, and always remember where you are going.

Live Life to its fullest, and have a reason for everything. Even if it's totally insane.

Find Your purpose in life, and Live it!

Selasa, 23 April 2013

Sacrifice of the ego, privilege to the soul.

Praying with ego, or praying with soul. The ego prayer is our ego, talking. It sees prayer as a sacrifice of our time, so that later we will benefit. I will do something for God, so I can get rewards later. Can you see the huge arrogance already creeping in, in the motives alone. I, my ego, will do something for God. How can we do something for God? God is so great and omnipotent that He is not affected by any of our actions. We cannot affect God. Only God can affect us. But the ego prayer is still thinking:
If I please God now, make the sacrifice and say the prayers I have memorised, I will get my rewards later, while the others deserve their own punishment, -something we may even enjoy to see if the moment arrives, since they have been so stupid not to follow the same rules we believe in. Our ego is always thinking in a commercial way. Superior versus inferior. I do something for you, you do something for me. A mild form of corruption? Only our ego could make us think and act as such.

The soul prayer is our soul, praying. It sees prayer as a gift of God to us. Something sent to us from heaven, something we can do for ourselves. Praying is no longer a sacrifice we make for God, it is a privilege we accept. By praising God and praying with our heart, our mind and our soul, we will immediately experience peace of mind and if even that would be the only reward, it would be already enough for us to keep on praying. But it is not the only reward. In the process we gain insights that help us, live a more complete and happy life full of peace of mind. It will really help us to see God’s plan for us. We will become alerter and try to miss fewer opportunities to do good. We will start to live more as a soul person and less as an ego person. Living a life according to God’s plan, we may die with great peace of mind that lasts well into eternity. After a soul prayer we will not feel to be the good ones deserving rewards in distant future, while the ones not praying like us are the bad ones deserving punishment; after a soul prayer we will realise all of us are poor sinners and it is our duty to do as much good as possible and in the process inspire as many people as possible to do good with us. This will result in an immediate but lasting peace of mind and happiness.


Kamis, 18 April 2013

I follow my dreams.

I get laughed at,
I get ignored,
I often feel trapped,
and keep my thoughts stored.
People can be cruel and very mean,
but no matter what,
I follow my dreams.

Life has waves,
I know that.
But I stand brave,
and just take the crap.
I may feel exhausted and totally creamed,
but no matter what,
I follow my dreams.

I know what I want,
and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't,
for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems,
but no matter what,
I follow my dreams.

Love from the start.

It was love from the start,
you came and stole my heart.
When I first looked at you, and you looked at me,
I blushed and smiled with glee.
I felt so loved by you.
You gave me everything that I asked you to.
We were in love, all our friends watched in envy,
When we were to together I felt so free.
You gave me all that I could ask for,
And everything you did, I adored.
You called me pretty when I was in a hair net,
And told me not to go just yet.
I would like to say just one thing,
Baby you are my everything.
