Senin, 01 April 2013

I'm Princess of God ❤

When I stopped being doubtful and learned how to wait,
That's when I became a Woman of Faith.
When I stopped being angry and my calm increased,
That's when I became a Woman of Peace.
When I stopped feeling depressed and was able to cope,
That's when I became a Woman of Hope.
When my sorrow ceased and my smile wasn't destroyed,
That's when I became a Woman of Joy.
When I stopped being weak and kept fear at arms length,
That's when I became a Woman of Strength.
When I fell out of favor and was put in my place,
That's when I became a Woman of Grace.
When I stopped hurting my self and felt an embrace from above,
That's when I became a Woman of Love.
When I stopped being silent and my voice began to raise,
That's when I became a Woman of Praise.
When I let go of old ways and a new path I began to trod,
That's when I became a Woman of God.

2 komentar:

  1. Hi Gee jika berminat bisa ikut pelayanan Ibadah kami di Central Park setiap Kamis jam 06.00 malam. di APL tower Lantai 27 AOC Jakarta
    . Bawa teman2mu juga sekalian dan sapa tau kamu bisa menjadi pelayan untuk Tuhan .


  2. Just leave your contact here. So I know how to contact you on thursday. Thanks :)
